Case Study

Heathwood Homes: Collaborative Solutions

Q&A with the builder

Q. What was the major benefit of using Amvic over other sheathing and rigidboard materials?

A. The major benefit of using SilveRboard® is that it is available in different sizes and can be customized to the height of the walls that we are constructing. Due to its light weight and job site durability, workers can easily handle the product and this results in a breakage rate that is at far less than other products we have used.

Q. Why did you choose Amvic?

A. We chose Amvic because the SilveRboard® gives an edge to builders that want to construct their homes better than the 2017 OBC standard for energy savings. With SilveRboard® and good building techniques, we know we can exceed those requirements by 15% or more.


Builder Quote

“Heathwood has always researched and embraced innovative new building materials and techniques to ensure the homes are on the leading edge of today’s technologies. Amvic’s SilveRboard® exterior wall sheathing and under concrete slab insulation are two of the materials that have proven to be just that. With an R-value of R-5 per inch the use of SilveRboard® easily allows us to build highly insulated exterior walls, and provides a thermal break that helps keep the moisture transfer due-point to the outside of the wall. Also, SilveRboard® does not absorb or retain water and does not attract mould. We like the material so much that we are currently building our fourth project with SilveRboard® and we are contracting our next project with SilveRboard® as well.”

– Silvio Longo, Principal, Herity Group


The Amvic Advantage

  • Speed and ease of construction
  • Enhanced wind resistance
  • “Breathable”
  • Significantly lower maintenance
  • Noise and fire resistant
  • Continuous thermal break
  • Available in 8/9/ foot lengths
  • Significantly reduces breakage and repairs
  • Mold and mildew resistant

With an R-value of R-5 per inch the use of SilveRboard® easily allows us to build highly insulated exterior walls, and provides a thermal break that helps keep the moisture transfer due-point to the outside of the wall. Also, SilveRboard® does not absorb or retain water and does not attract mould.

— Silvio Longo, Principal, Herity Group

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