Civil Engineering
Alleguard products help lighten the load of complex infrastructure projects including road construction, retaining walls, bridge abutments, railway and airfield pavement.
Build Better with Alleguard
Alleguard Geofoam block & fabrication solutions improve infrastructure projects by reducing stress on both structures and humans. Geofoam can be produced to meet different compressive resistance needs and its light weight reduces stress on underlying subgrades, reducing settlement and improving stability.
We also make your job easier with our innovative approach to providing custom solutions at a lower cost. We partner with geotechnical and engineering programs at many well-respected universities for certification-level testing for all of our infrastructure products. We also provide continuing education through our AIA-certified continuing education course on the benefits of EPS.
From any of our block & fabrication facilities in the United States and Canada, we can provide the right solution for any project, no matter the scope.
Geofoam Is Ideal for Infrastructure
Alleguard Geofoam solutions improve structural integrity and reduce costs on a wide variety of infrastructure projects including road construction, bridge abutment and undersell, airport runways, levees, culverts, buried pipeline, stadium & theater seating, compensating foundations, slope stabilization, retaining walls, green roofs, and more.
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