Lightweight EPS Geofoam Backfill

Lightweight EPS Geofoam blocks reduce lateral pressure in construction projects, making them an ideal material for a wide range of backfill applications.

Weather-resistant, easy to work with, and quick to specify, Geofoam is a great option for lightweight backfill, void fill and soil substitute in civil engineering projects such as buried wall construction or slope stabilization. Geofoam can be unloaded and installed by hand, easy to maneuver, lessening labor time and cost.

Geofoam a Pre-Approved Building Material

Geofoam as a soil substitute is becoming the preferred method of construction. Benefits include:

Lightweight and Controllable

No need for heavy equipment to install, allowing for increased productivity while adhering to the construction schedule. That equates to cost savings on the job site.

Weather Resistant

Rain or weather delays due to wet soil or sand can cost a project thousands of dollars and missed deadlines. Geofoam will not wash away and it will maintain its shape over time.

Easy to Specify

Geofoam can be manufactured in a variety of block sizes, various densities, and is easily cut to fit any application. When you know what strength is required for your build, the Geofoam can be manufactured to meet your project specifications.


Geofoam backfill lays quietly below many projects, making them possible, safe, and long-lasting. The real hidden benefits are the savings across the board: money, labor, equipment and time.

Why EPS?

EPS has high R-value retention, is fully recyclable, and is easily customizable. EPS is made without ozone-harming compounds or any kind of dye. It is available in a variety of compressive strengths and has superior bonding capabilities. Best of all, EPS will save you time and money. So the real question is: Why not EPS?


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