Proud to Be Top 30 Driver in 2021 Make-A-Wish Convoy
It’s that time of year again! And as we pass the one-year mark of the global pandemic, we are still trucking along! For the second year in a row, the Make-A-Wish® Mother’s Day Truck Convoy will be happening virtually due to Covid-19. This tradition of over 30 years is not only the world’s largest truck convoy, but also acts as the primary fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley. Family, friends, truck drivers, and supporters can watch the stream via Facebook live on Sunday, May 9th, and show their support for this wonderful cause.
This is ICA’s fourth year involved in the convoy and we are excited to have our very own Ken Hanna as one of Make-A-Wish’s Top 30 Drivers! This is all thanks to everyone who donated last year to help us reach both Ken’s goal and Make-A-Wish’s overall goal. With all the crazy challenges that we have had to face this past year, it was questionable if meeting our goal was even possible, but you have all proven once again that kindness always comes first. Ken is thrilled to be a part of this very special day for a third year in a row, raising funds for our local Make-A-Wish chapter and providing hope to children in our area.
Will You Help Us Meet Our 2021 Goal?
Ken and the other Top 30 drivers along with 70 other selected truckers will travel from the Manheim Pennsylvania Auto Auction through Lancaster to rally support and raise money. Typically, the Mother’s Day Convoy and Carnival brings in enough to fund 75% of the wishes granted to children in the area. Unfortunately 2021 is not a typical year. Covid has caused us to change and adapt in ways we never saw coming. But one thing that has not changed is the number of local children dealing with critical illnesses. With your help we can continue bringing hope and joy to families in need of a little light. Will you show your support? Can we all come together to surpass last year’s fundraising efforts?
ICA’s 2021 goal is $3,100. You can donate on our driver Ken’s profile or by clicking the link below. You can also help by spreading the word to others about our mission to help kids in need. After this tough year we could all use something to smile about. Even a small bit of charity will help us keep trucking along and bring hope to those who need it most.