Construction Safety Protocols: Adapting to COVID-19

Read CCA's press release emphasizing our commitment to prioritize health, safety, and well-being in our workforce and communities amid current challenges.

OTTAWA, March 27, 2020 – Yesterday, CCA issued a press release reaffirming the industry’s top priority is our commitment to the health, safety and well-being of our workers, families and friends, and the communities we operate in.

“Our position is that compliant sites should be open and those that cannot consistently comply with measures and guidelines of public health authorities should shut down,” says Mary Van Buren, CCA president.

Today, CCA is releasing its first version of the COVID-19 Standardized Protocols for All Canadian Construction Sites and encourages all construction firms to implement them in their entirety.

Companies must also remain aware of rapidly changing best practices and integrate with the CCA Standardized Protocols instructions, best practices and requirements from Health Canada and local public health authorities.

This document provides best practices and a consistent national approach for employers and employees to follow in order to protect themselves and the public at large and help minimize the spread of the coronavirus so that work can be continued safely. These protocols include measures on prevention, detection, and rapid response based on information and recommendations from respected public health authorities.

As the situation continues to evolve and new best practices emerge, CCA will be keeping this document up to date, and publishing new versions as required. CCA also plans to keep an open dialogue with stakeholders to ensure the industry remains proactive to any emerging risks.

CCA welcomes the support and endorsement of these protocols by any and all members of the construction industry and its allied sectors.


About CCA

Across Canada, CCA represents more than 20,000 member firms drawn from 63 local and provincial integrated partner associations. CCA gives voice to the public policy, legal and standards development goals of contractors, suppliers and allied business professionals working in, or with, Canada’s non-residential construction industry.

The construction sector is one of Canada’s largest employers and a major contributor to the country’s economic success. The industry, 70 per cent of which is made up of Small and Medium Enterprises, employs more than 1.5 million Canadians and contributes 7 per cent of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product.





Rodrigue Gilbert
Vice-President, Public Affairs
613-236-9455, ext. 432


Original press release published here:

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